CopywriterWhile beginning my career at Winter Construction, a commercial contractor, I had to learn to write for an industry that was completely new to me. That required asking the right technical questions, translating answers into less technical jargon, and spinning it all into a succinct narrative. This is an example of one of the coolest projects Winter built while I was an employee: the new reptile exhibit at Zoo Atlanta.

(I wrote the description, not the name.)
The main reptile complex structure includes a unique sloped exterior curtain-wall glazing system with a custom frit pattern to allow for natural light to enhance the innate habitat for the exhibits, while maintaining a low light coefficient in accordance with the USGBC LEED® requirements. Interior exhibit elements include a system of custom murals, replicated concrete faux rockwork, and specialized life support systems that provide the animals with a safe and natural habitat.
Winter coordinated closely with the Zoo Atlanta staff to allow minimal disruptions and ensure safety of the animals, staff, and patrons during any loud, vibratory work.
A replacement for the 51-year-old “World of Reptiles” exhibit, Scaly, Slimy, Spectacular! became the premiere reptile and amphibian exhibit in the United States when it opened in April 2015.
This project has achieved its LEED® certification goal of Silver, and Winter surpassed the local participation goal of 30%, employing a total of 41% local subcontractors.